Main page - Projects - Transport security and the development of intelligent transport systems - Development of a draft of methodological recommendations for conduct by regions of the state control in the field of traffic management

Development of a draft of methodological recommendations for conduct by regions of the state control in the field of traffic management

Project Description:

The main goal of the project is to develop recommendations on conduct by regions of the regional state control in the field of traffic management.

Project objectives:

Determination of a purpose and goals of development of the guidelines, scope of their application in accordance with law;

Preparation of recommendations on the need to adopt regulatory acts at the regional level in order to fulfill the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2017 N443-FZ regarding regional state control in the field of traffic management;

Preparation of recommendations on organization (organizational structure) of regional state control in the field of traffic management;

Preparation of recommendations on composition and procedure for conducting activities aimed at implementation of the regional state control in the field of traffic management;

Preparation of recommendations on:

- indicators subject to regional state control in the field of traffic management;

- assessment of measures for organization of road traffic in the region, as well as their effectiveness;

- presentation of results of the regional state control.

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

Timeline for implementation:

1-st quarter of 2019 - 4-th quarter of 2019

Project Managers:

Valery Palchik

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб.1410)
