Development of a draft of methodological recommendations for conduct by regions of the state control in the field of traffic management
The main goal of the project is to develop recommendations on conduct by regions of the regional state control in the field of traffic management.Preparation of recommendations on the need to adopt regulatory acts at the regional level in order to fulfill the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2017 N443-FZ regarding regional state control in the field of traffic management;
Preparation of recommendations on organization (organizational structure) of regional state control in the field of traffic management;
Preparation of recommendations on composition and procedure for conducting activities aimed at implementation of the regional state control in the field of traffic management;
Preparation of recommendations on: - indicators subject to regional state control in the field of traffic management; - assessment of measures for organization of road traffic in the region, as well as their effectiveness; - presentation of results of the regional state control.
1-st quarter of 2019 - 4-th quarter of 2019
Valery Palchik
Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems
Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб.1410)