Main page - Projects - The development of public passenger transport - Development of ground railway transport, linking central districts of St. Petersburg with new areas of urban agglomeration

Development of ground railway transport, linking central districts of St. Petersburg with new areas of urban agglomeration

Project Description:

Development of a light rail transport system as a public land passenger transport, planned for implementation in the St. Petersburg agglomeration, on the basis of the mechanism of public-private partnership.

Project objectives:

  • improvement of transport accessibility of dormitory districts of St. Petersburg and the nearest districts of the Leningrad Region;

  • creation of comfortable conditions, improvement of the quality of the services provided and safety of travel on passenger transport;

  • increase of road network capacity ;

  • creation of conditions for change of the preferences in change of choice of transport from personal to public;

  • Reduction of the negative impact of public transport on the environment.

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

Federal budget, budget of St. Petersburg, budget of Leningrad region

Timeline for implementation:

2020 - 2030

Project Managers:

Petr Golumbevsky

Head of Unit

Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб. 1114)
