Main page - Projects - The development of highways - Construction of the entrance from Ring Road A-118 to the A-180 Narva highway

Construction of the entrance from Ring Road A-118 to the A-180 Narva highway

Project Description:

Federal highway A-180 Narva is the only highway in Leningrad region territory which is not connected with the Ring Road around St. Petersburg (hereinafter - the RR). However, it is predicted that the population of the Lomonosov District, in the territory of which the construction of the entrance to the RR is planned, will increase twofold by 2030, and will comprise 135.6 thousand people which will significantly worsen the transport situation

Project objectives:

  • Providing output for transit links bypassing a central residential area of Krasnoye Selo and the municipal settlement of Gorelovo;

  • Reducing the negative impact on the environment;

  • Improving the quality of life and living standards of the population living in the zone of high-volume traffic;

  • Transporting accessibility improvements for the population of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region;

  • Maintaining high growth rates of the district’s socio-economic development

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

6,2 bln. rub.

Federal budget, non-budget sources

Timeline for implementation:

2018 - 2020

Project Managers:

Valentin Enokaev

Deputy General Director - Head of Department

Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб. 1400)
