Prospekt Kultury at the section from the 8th Verkhny Pereylok to the 9th Verkhny Pereylok
In order to prevent worsening of transport situation at the section pr. Engelsa from the Ring Road to pr. Suzdalsky, considering construction of a new flour mill near the 8th Verkhny Pereylok, the Government of St. Petersburg decided to reconstruct pr. Engelsa to upgrade its technical parameters with those of a continuous highway (at least 6 lanes with a dividing lane), as well as construct the second stage part of the overpass over the railways of the Pargolovo-Ruchey section of the Northern Railway Half Ring. In addition, transport accessability of the land proposed for construction of the mill from the east side can be provided by prolonging pr. Kultury from the 8th Verkhny Pereylok to the 9th Verkhny Pereylok across the territory of the Leningrad Region. Given that the object will go through the territory of two regions, it is necessary to formally define its status, which requires inclusion of the section of the road to the territorial planning scheme of the Leningrad Region. Based on the appeal of the Government of St. Petersburg to the Government of the Leningrad Region, the Directorate controls development of territory planning project and boundary-setting plan of the object.Will be defined after completion of design and engineering works
- - 2021
Valentin Enokaev
Deputy General Director - Head of Department
Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб. 1400)