Main page - Projects - The international cooperation - Designing a feasibility study of locating a road alignment of a new road from the federal highway A181 “Scandinavia” to the “Brusnichnoye” border crossing point

Designing a feasibility study of locating a road alignment of a new road from the federal highway A181 “Scandinavia” to the “Brusnichnoye” border crossing point

Project Description:

The aim of the project is to create conditions for safe driving in the areas near the BCP "Brusnichnoye". The existing road along the Saimaa Canal was designed and built as a service road and, due to its technical characteristics, doesn't fulfill current needs associated with increased traffic. In order to improve road safety while maintaining the current capacity it is necessary to build a new road. The first step will be the feasibility study of locating a road alignment of a new road from the federal highway A181 “Scandinavia” to the BCP “Brusnichnoye”.

The project is implemented with funding from the Northern Dimension Partnership for Transportation and Logistics.

The Directorate acts as a beneficiary (grantee) in the interests of the Leningrad Region. The project partner is the Finnish Transport Agency.

Project objectives:

- Development of the necessary documentation for the construction of a new automobile approach from the federal highway A181 "Scandinavia" to the international BCP "Brusnichnoe";

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

200 000 €

Non-budget sources

Timeline for implementation:

2018 - 2019