Main page - Projects - Transport security and the development of intelligent transport systems - Driver's Information System at the connections to St. Petersburg Ring road

Driver's Information System at the connections to St. Petersburg Ring road

Project Description:

Implementation of measures for the installation of display boards in the nodes adjacent to the St. Petersburg Ring Road, Western high-speed diameter and street-road network.

Project objectives:

The implementation of this project will allow to inform drivers in a timely manner about the workload of the sections of the Ring Road and redirect traffic flows in the event of congestion in some sections of the Ring Road, which will increase the capacity of the Ring Road and shorten the travel time for motorists.

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

1, 646 bln. rub.

St. Petersburg budget, the Leningrad region budget, non-budgetary sources

Timeline for implementation:

2014 - 2018

Project Managers:

Valery Palchik

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб.1410)
